April 21, 2014

Project Ara

Remember this video that went viral a few months ago?

For this time this idea was just a concept of what could be the future of phones. As we se this device really far from reality, well its not that far. After the popularity of this video Google bought the idea "Phonebloks" and convert it to Project Ara.

This concept phone will change the mobile phone industry forever. Imagine that you had a broken screen on you phone, and fixing it could be as easy as going to the store and buying another screen. With Project Ara this can be possible.  The phone will be running on Android OS and well the rest of the features depends on what you like on a phone. There are a lot of obstacles in the way, but none of them can prevent Google from completing this task.

In my opinion, this project is very important for the future of mobile phones. This gives us the ability if making our phones more customizable and make the phone become part of the story of our lives.

What do you think? Would you have one?

Leave your opinions below.

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