April 24, 2014

Transparent memory

Just when we thought the transparent electronics were far in the future... A Korean research team announced a completely transparent memory that could perhaps be used in smart phones and computers. The Department Of Electrical Engineering of Korea have been working on this clear memory that exceeds the 80% of the visibility across it.

This transparent memory is made of reduced graphene oxide. Maybe this sounds familiar since graphene can be found recently on flexible displays and processors. The Korean researchers have been the first to successfully make a transparent memory module that can be used as RAM memory. The team is expecting to use their product as core technology in all electronic devices.

 They have already tested on the memory, and they say it last more than 100,000 seconds in high-temperature environments. The product's still in early theory-development but, hey we did not thought that this technology was so close right? Eventually this technology will take over computers and mobile devices. So, what do you think about this technology? Would you fall for a completely transparent phone?

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